March 12, 1980

31 years ago, a young woman and a young man had their first child.  He was a delightful boy and they loved him.  He loved to play with rocks and faithfully lined them up on walls and sidewalks.  He had lots of energy and loved to run.  He talked his parents into allowing him to his Christian elementary school in order go to public school so he could tell his friends about Jesus.

He didn’t have the perfect life, however.  He was often sick and his worried parents did their best to nurse him many months.  He also couldn’t see well and had to wear awful glasses.  He endured many unkind words from friends because of those glasses.  Once he hit a baseball and broke a window, at church.  Another time he smacked a kid at school.  Unfortunately, it was the principal’s son.

He proved to be an amazing leader.  He experienced growth in many places where he led.  His youth group and college ministry flourished partly because of gifts in faith and leadership.  During college, he realized his passion for computers would not turn into a career path.  Telling people about Jesus was more appealing and he decided to do it full time.

It was about this time that a girl entered his life.  She smiled at him.  She invited him into her circle of friends.  They loved sports. She encouraged him to pick up running again.  They “watched” football together, over the phone.  At some point, he realized this girl was her best friend.  Then he knew he was in for it: LOVE.

The rest is history: love, marriage, kids and ministry.  This is his life.  He delights in his children.  He delights in his students and staff and how they tell others about Jesus.  He empowers his wife.  He sends her away to study.

This boy has become a man.  I have been privileged to only know him a brief time.  Some of the story I have shared may not even be fully accurate.   But on this day, 31 years ago, my husband was born.  And oh how grateful I am to the One who gives all life.

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”  I John 3:1





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